Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Big Switch

Tuesday I was doing my normal routine of following up on some blogs and sites about feral tanking/DPS. See I was having some DPS problems with mobs in Deepholm and knew I needed to make some changes. Hence the research and I quickly came to the realization that it was time for me to remove the purple tinged glasses and start wearing this new quest DPS gear I was getting. But that was only the first half of the equation, I was going to have to respec and attain a more "pure" DPS build. Yes, it was time to ditch all I had done with being a resto druid.

It was a tough call, but as I have said before our guild downed the Lich King, I want to tank. I want the change of scenery. My battle cry was becoming more, "Give me more face time with the boss." and not "It's cool, I got healz covered." So last night it was time to pay up or find another class to play.

I made my way to the bank and starting cleaning house. Yeah I shed a few tears deleting my PVP healing gear (I wasn't going to last long anyway in Cataclysm Battlegrounds wearing it anyway). The real pain set in with I had to buy some Dust of Disapperance at 90 gold a pop to change out my resto gylphs for kitty power and I needed 6 of them. Geesh that hurt. I think I'm going to have to make a scribe to help offset that cost. Eventually, I got everythig squared away and I started out for Deepholm.

WAIT? DEEPHOLM? But Bacon, I thought you hated that place.

Yeah, I do. But I'm on a mission to finish that place out. I want to be sure that I can handle mobs pretty well before I head to Uldum. And the best place for me to know if I can carry the load is to go back to Deepholm.

Now the later Therazane quests get to be a little cooler. Especially one in which you have to play hop scotch with a big dragon. While I'm just halfway through level 83, I'm confident that I can head out to Uldum and carry weight in battle.

On a side note, I found a good gearing list from Elitist Jerks for Pre Heroic and Pre Raid gear. I just need to start tanking and get my mechanics down.

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